The Beginning
This web site provides an overview of Joseph Michael Paul's theological & spiritual insights from 1995 until today. Topics emphasized are Mr. Paul's Five Steps of Discernment and his Theory of Sanctification. Also, there are presentations entitled Overcoming Your Spiritual Storms and The 35 Year Lesson: The Power in Repenting from Co-Dependency.
Live presentations contain content and themes which are catered to the particular needs of the audience. There is no shortage of anecdotes from the last 19 years since Joseph received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The material will appeal to ages 12 and up.
During the summer of 1995, Mr. Paul attended a small and yet powerful conference at a Christian college in Belmont, North Carolina. His life would change forever.
Perfection did not come nor did an existence where everything worked out to his favor. However, there was a profound change when he chose to immerse himself in worship, study the Word of God, receive ministry from those who were commissioned by our Lord Jesus Christ, and yield to the Holy Spirit's promptings.

Joseph was raised in a mainstream Christian denomination and to this day participates in its services and adheres to the teachings. There is nothing about Mr. Paul's theological upbringing which has been abandoned nor compromised by this renewal in the Holy Spirit which began on Saturday August 5, 1995.
What if you wanted evil to end in your life and in your community and simultaneously you have done a marvelous job of accepting your sanctification? What would happen if you or your sanctified community asked God to remove all evil from your immediate environment? Would He do it? Joseph Michael Paul dedicated 30,000 hours of prayer, reflection, study, and ministry time over a period of 19 years looking for the answer to that question.
He examined the topic of sanctification with great care for thousands upon thousands of hours. How am I sinning, Lord? Mr. Paul began to ask that question in the summer of 1995. And he discovered something delightful. God was willing to show him the condition of his soul and grant him abundant Graces and Mercy on a daily basis (and sometimes even hour to hour).
In time, Mr. Paul began to realize that the spiritual activity around us (both angelic and demonic) is much more dynamic than he ever imagined. He knew that something more was needed in his walk with God and he believes to this day that many people are lacking in this critical element of being a child of God. Over the years, Joseph became focused on that promise in the sciptures that we could ask for whatever we want (John 15: 7). What if we asked for a share in God's authority? Christians who exercise that authority in their prayer life consistently and who pay close attention to the condition of their souls, are able to drive evil away. The powers of darkness dissipate and we have Light, Joy and the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our households and in our faith communities. Walking in God's authority also permits one to drive evil out of our workplace and any institution including government, healthcare, education, entertainment, finance, and the business community.
This led to a life of contemplative spirituality, abundant reflection on the Word of God and many opportunities to minister to others as a brother in Christ. Along the way, the Gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, and Discernment emerged. Mr. Paul makes a promise to you and to every Christian around the world. He will not force feed his teachings. All content is to be treated as private revelation until those in authority in each congregation and each denomination can prayerfully form definitive conclusions about the teachings.