JMP's Five Steps to God copyright 2014 Joseph Michael Paul
1. Stranger - Does not know God but will receive the least of His disciples. Matthew 10: 40-42
2. Acquaintance - Belief in God and in the power of prayer. An initial commitment to his plan
for creation and his plan of salvation. John 3: 16
3. Good Neighbor - Much obedience to the Gospel. A faithful servant's heart. Some reluctance
to see ourselves the way God sees us. Some of his Word ends up in thorny soil. Caught up
with the anxieties of life. Matthew 6: 25-34
4. Team Member - Called and equipped. Doing the work of the Lord as a lay minister,
ordained, or one living the consecrated life. Placing all of one's sins before the cross daily.
Matthew 10: 7
5. Partner - Spousal to the Holy Spirit. Perfectly aware of God's intentions and flawless
execution of God's will. John 2: 5